Fight the Bite

Logo + Branding + Campaign
California Vector Control
Logo + Branding + Campaign

An Exploration for the Explorers

When you think of a non-profit, mosquitoes probably aren't the first thing to come to mind. Or the second. Or the third. It's out there and it certainly doesn't get any attention. I get stung a lot when I go camping and don't even like thinking about the suckers. The most prevalent org in this domain (in California at least) calls themselves the Mosquito and Vector Control Association of California (or MVCAC for long). They currently have a giant, pixelated image of a mosquito on their landing page—not the most enticing first read on any brand—and overall have a stock-image-identity. I sought to challenge myself and make a reason for people to care, because I sure didn't.

Taking a note from the EPA's rebrand in the 70s, I wanted to create a clean and sophisticated look, scientific as well as significant. On the other hand, I sought to create an energetic, public-facing side to the brand—one that could give people a reason to care about such a mundane topic. Bold colors, clean design, and concise messaging brought home the bug spray for a full 360° campaign.

To the Outdoor Lovers,

We're here to help educate you so that you can protect yourself from airborne diseases. We use our reach and influence as California's largest vector control organization so that you can feel safer and more confident in your everyday adventures. The mountains are calling, the bugs must go!